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Thefts, Muggings Crime in Sitges

Asked by: 5689 views Attractions, Safety, Transport

How many people are mugged, phone or bag stolen, from table, chair or burglary from hotel or apartment room?

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    All resorts worldwide prefer not to see reports of criminality, especially violent ones or the despicable crime of rape.

    But there is a case for nipping a problem, in the bud, by being aware of it and helping future visitors, avoiding similar danger spots or situations. Hence, whilst not substantiated, this page can act to disseminate reports, reviews & chatter, already in the public domain:

    • DANGER: Las ‘The’ Ramblas in Barcelona & the tube, underground trains, especially from the station (El prat de llobregat Aeroport estation : monbus.cat/#sitges-bcn can be safer) or near the tourist attractions, are rife with thefts (muggers & distraction thieves are bold, as penalties in Barcelona are reportably just a fine for thefts less than 400€. After increased effort on railways, thefts whilst shopping are increasing. Getting on the train or bus, is the moment one scumbag distracts you whilst another pickpockets, goes into your bag. Barcelona Thefts (hurtos) 2015 = 97,908 2016 = 102,666
    • Bike thefts were a big problem, until they caught a van from outside the area, on a regular attack.
    • Decide carefully whether to stop, if another cars passengers motion that there is an issue with yours & you cannot feel anything. It is unlikely they will have loosened wheel nuts etc. But it is a common theft technique, with another passenger stealing from a tourists car, whilst the driver is distracted on the other side. Stopping at the C32 Police Cabin is an option,
      if worried.
    • Be wary of any apartments that just have a key that can be copied by previous guests, especially those rented regularly on holiday vacation rental portals such as Booking.com or AirBnB
    • A local hotel assured a guest that their security is tight, after her purse was stolen from the back of her chair (avoid leaving any valuables there or on the table)
    • The junction near, Superpollo was a mugging hot spot for a while: Carrer de Sant Josep, 8, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona
    • A young man was attacked on the approach to Sitges Station, late returning home one night, after joking with a group of men
    • There was one rape a few years ago… involving 2 teenage girls & an immigrant to the area
    • Have seen a drunk woman attract a horde of ageing/creepy looking suiters at Prizma (probably same with other Sin Street bars, in summer), over less than 30 minutes, a couple of years ago. One took her to the mens toilet within seconds of arriving, running off when challenged! (Also has items stolen and seen stolen bags, purses & wallets discarded there)
    • Belongings can be stolen from beaches if disrobing late at night or even during the day, occasionally. Especially remote beaches.

    Remember to book your travel insurance cover for your holiday to cover cancellation, medical and theft, Catalan hospitals only treat you with your VALID UK overseas health card, travel insurance card or credit card

    We welcome hearing about the experiences of locals & visitors. As a sensitive issue, please add information for review/adjustment or send it to admin@realsitges.com

    admin - Oct 06, 2017 | Reply

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