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Telephone Spanish numbers to avoid?

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What telephone prefixes, premium telephone numbers, cost a lot to ring?

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        800 or 900: Free for callers from a landline, but not all mobile providers will class these calls as free.
        901: Cost shared between caller and company, normally you will pay the equivalent of a local call when you call from a landline. Calls from mobiles will be considerably more expensive.
        902: Cost paid by the caller. Originally these numbers were used by companies in order to reduce the cost for the caller, the rate is set between the price of a local and national call from a landline and is the same rate for all callers regardless of location. Once again, calling from a mobile will be more expensive.
        905: Premium rate services eg for voting on TV shows. Avoid these and also
        803 (adult content),
        806 (tarot & gaming)
        807 (professional services) numbers

      Scammers leave an email enquiry with just a 902 number and request for a return call. They also call requesting a return call (met by an unorthodox answerphone message, with delaying tactics, aimed at lengthening the call!)

    admin - Aug 23, 2017 | Reply

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