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Asked by: admin 2312 views Transport
Sitges is small, but too far to walk easily from one end to the other?
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Sitges is split in two by it’s bus routes. With Sitges station at the centre and a 5-10 min 10€ taxi drive/15=20 minute walk, either way.
Buses run largely inland a few roads of the coast and into the hills behind Sitges : there is just a tourist trolley, train, along he promenade in summer) Sitges Bus Timetable
3 Routes 2 times an hour at 15 mins (quarter) to & past Monday – Friday: 07:00 – 21:00 Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: 09:00 – 21:00 €1.50 (Sitges T-10 trip ticket from Station €12.00)
L1 Bus Route NORTH Sitges INLAND TO HILLS (travelling away from the sea)
Sitges Train Station Camí dels Capellans Camí de la Fita – Plaza Catalunya Cami de la Fita – Piscina Municipal (public swimming pool) IES Joan Ramon Benaprés (heading up) Pruelles 7 Mas Alba (heading up) Avenida Camí Pla / Caprabo Supermarket Cementiri Pruelles / Mas Alba (heading down) IES Joan Ramon Benaprés (heading down) Cami de la Fita (heading down) Policia Municipal / Bombers Avenida Ronda / Passeig Vilafranca La Bóvila Vallpineda Club Natació (Swimming Club) Parc Can Robert (Paseig Vilafranca)
L2 takes in the right hand side of the town shop & bars area and onto residential areas at the end of the town
L2 Bus Route WEST SITGES TO END OF BEACH & INLAND A LITTLE (to the right as you look at the sea)
Sitges Train Station Oasis (Passeig Vilanova) Passeig Vilanova / Avenida Sofia Passeig Vilanova / La Granja Passeig Vilanova / Call Jaume Figueres IES Vinyet (Calle Ramon Dalmases Marqués de Mura) Camí de Coll Escoles Públiques Calle d’en Pepe de Garraf / Calle dels Taron¡gers Escola Maria Ossó (Ramon Dalmases Marqués de Mura) Passeig Vilanova / Avania Navarra Avenida Navarra / Calle Clarassó Avenida Navarra / Avenida Josep Carner Hotel Terramar Passeig Maritim / Calle Josep Planes Robert Passeig Maritim / Calle de Roma Avenida del Vinyet / Passeig Doctor Benaprés Avenida del Vinyet / Calle Reverend Joan Lloveras Avenida del Vinyet / Plaza Antoni Garcia Munté Avenida del Vinyet / Avenida Sofia Avenida Sofia (roundabout) Passeig Vilafranca / Sant Francesc
The L3 line, services the West end of town towards the Marina (left from the station, as you look at the sea) One has to call the bus, by pressing a button at Aiguadolç, to be collected at the Port/Marina or high in the hills (or ask to be dropped there).
Which means the routes schedule can be out 5 mins. Making the bus routes far less reliable than in the past.
L3 Bus Route EAST SITGES TO MARINA (to the left as you look at the sea)
Sitges Train Station (on the other side of the road, outside Farmacia – the pharmacy) Calle Rafael Llopàrt (Escola Esteve Barrachina) Calle Port Alegre (Platja San Sebastian) Plaza Doctor Bartomeu Robert (the cemetery) Hotel Melia Sitges Llevantina (Heading up) Calle Corts d’Aragó Calle de la Sardana / Calle de l’Escala Calle del Roc Florit / Calle de la Malvasia Calle del Roc Florit / Calle del Corral d’en Falç Quint Mar (Zona Esportiva – sports centre) Passeig Margalló Passeig de l’Espígol (Escales) Passeig de l’Espígol / Passeig del Fonoll Llevantina (going down) Calle Sant Jordi (Plans d’Aiguadolç) Calle Devesa (Mossos d’Esquadra – police station) Els Molins Calle Ángel Guimerá / Calle Lluís Companys Cases Noves Calle Emili Picó
Hiring a bike or moped is a possibility, especially as there are lots of places to park, official and non official (though being an obstruction, is a no no) : Check out Sitges hire (SitgesHire.com)
admin - May 29, 2017 | Reply
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