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Asked by: admin 2200 views Attractions, Events
Know all resorts get crowded, but when is it not to busy or quiet?
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Sitges has a relatively short season, when one realises the sun shines for 300 days and the weather is nice for almost 10 months.
Weekends become busy, to the level of extremely crowded, on a sliding scale of the 5 months either site of the end of June.
Before and after this weekdays are relatively calm… other than during winter events such as the Sitges Carnival (Carnaval de Sitges – carnavaldesitges.com) or Sitges Film Festival (Sitges Festival- carnavaldesitges.com)
Especially over the winter, when even the weekends can be too quiet, for those looking for a party.
admin - May 28, 2017 | Reply
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