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Public & Private Parking in Sitges?

Asked by: 3443 views Transport

How much is Parking in Sitges, public & private ones, are any free

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    Unfortunately the days of free parking on the promenade near to town are gone. It is all paid, but not too expensive.

    There is free residential parking to the East/right as you look at the sea. In the roads behind. Obviously it can be hard to find during peak summer and a walk to town (5 to 15 mins)

    There are dirt areas, offering free parking the other side of the railway, from the town and beach. Though some have been lost to property development, as they were parcels of building land.

    For a greater fee, the town has plenty of underground parking, however it can be costly, at 10 – 20€ for a night out.
    TARiFA: 0.053 € OR MORE / minute
    APPROX DAY 24HR RATE 25 – 35€

    Many hotels offer parking, but most charge handsomely!
    (whilst their staff and patrons fill the local streets for free!)

    For shorter periods, there is a public parking garage next to the station in Sitges (paying, but free if you are a customer of the supermarket below : minimum changes, but was 12€)
    (Or the rates above)

    Public car parks
    At the market
    Jornet at the entrance to Calle San Francisco

    Some are 10-14 euros per day

    admin - May 28, 2017 | Reply

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