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Moving & living in Sitges

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What do the council say I need to do?

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    To register

     People who would like to apply for residency in Sitges, have the right and indeed the duty to register,regardless of their nationality, place of residency or economic situation. It is a necessary requirement to be able to have access to municipal services, enrol children into schools, request a health card or access any basic social provision. People who do not acquire unlimited residency,have to renew their census data every two years.

    Where should i go?

    • Oficina d’Atenció Ciutadana OAC (Attention Office to the Members of Community)
      Centre comercial OASIS, local 24
      Telephone: 010 / 93 811 48 04
      Open: Monday to Thursday
      8.30am- 18.30pm
      Friday 8.30am-14.30pm
      Saturday 10am-13pm
      From 15th of June to 15th of September,
      Christmas and Easter: 8.30-14.30. Monday to Friday.

    Office branch:

    • OAC Garraf
      Plaça Baró Güell, s/n
    • OAC Les Botigues
      Passeig Marítim de les Botigues de Sitges, 1

    What documents are needed?

    • A Spanish identity card (DNI), a passport or an identity card from the country of origin.
    • A rental contract, the deeds of a property or proof of authorization from the titular person/
      owner of the residency where you are registered as living.


    To obtain a health card and receive medical attention

    In order to go to the doctor or receive medical attention you need an individual health card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual or TSI). To obtain this card you need to be registered in Sitges and request it at the Centre d’Atenció Primària (CAP).

    Once you have the card, you are entitled to access the public health service. This is a universal and free public right.

    Where should i go?

    To obtain the TSI:

    • Àrea Bàsica de Salut (ABS)
      Centre d’Atenció Primària CAP.
      (Centre Fist Aid)
      Camí dels Capellans s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 75 78
      Open: Monday to Friday 8am-20pm

    To receive medical atention:

    • Àrea Bàsica de Salut (ABS) Centre
      d’Atenció Primària CAP.
      Camí dels Capellans s/n
      Telephone: 902 111 444 / SANITAT
      Open: 24 hours

    Previous appointment needed telephone


    Medical emergencies:

    • Urgent outpatient: to be seen by your GP on the same day of your request, an appointment
      needs to be made.
      Telephone: 902 111 444
      Open: 9am-20pm

    For other medical emergencies, between 8pm to 9am the next day you need to contact:

    • Àrea Bàsica de Salut (ABS)
      Centre d’Atenció Primària CAP
      Camí dels Capellans, s/n

    Emergency telephone: 061

    To have access to Women’s care:

    • Program d’Atenció a la Salut Sexual
      i Reproductiva (Attention sexual and
      reproductive health) – ASSIR Garraf
      Camí dels Capellans s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 16 66
      Open: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8am-14pm. Wednesday 8am-20pm.
      Appointment is required.

    What documents do i need to submit to obtain the tsi (health card)?

    • A Spanish document of national Identity (DNI), a passport, or an Identity card from
      country of origin.
    • Proof of registration.

    What Documents Do I Need To Submit To Receive Medical Attention?

    • Individual health card (TSI)


    To receive attention and advice as a newcomer to sitges

    The Department of Diversity, through their service Sitges Acollidor (Welcoming Sitges), offers information about all resources and existing services in the town for newcomers: registering, getting a health card, schools for their children, and also processing the reports of rooting and regrouping which form part of the necessary documentation that should be presented to the sub delegation of the government.

    Along the same lines, they also offer a service of legal advice that deals with any issues relating to immigration; ie: residency documents,civil rights and work, etc. Additionally, psychological attention is offered to people with issues relating to migration.

    Moreover, you will find different courses and workshops that facilitate integration and provide knowledge of Catalan language and culture, knowledge of the history and the traditions of the Sitgetans, and other activities that encourage mutual understanding between all citizens.

    Where should i go?

    • Sitges Acollidor
      Plaça de l’Hospital, 5, 2n pis
      Telephone: 93 811 39 47
      Open: Monday to Friday,9am-15.30pm
      Tuesday and Thursday,17pm-19pm
      (from October to May)

    To be attended by servei d’assessorament legal i laboral (the service of advice concerning legal and labour issues) you need to book an appointment at the OAC (tel.010) or Sitges Acollidor

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • National Document of Identity (DNI), passport, Identity Document from country of origin.
    • The documentation required will depend on the formalities that need to be carried out.


    To acquire information about services and resources that are available to women

    The Department of Gender Equality, through Sitges Dona (Sitges Woman), offers information about the existing resources available to women, legal advice and psychological support, with particular attention given to cases of domestic violence and sexual discrimination.

    Also you have at your disposal courses,workshops, lectures and different activities related with the emotional and social development of women.

    Where should i go?

    Sitges Dona
    Davallada, 12. Edifici Miramar
    Telephone: 93 811 31 80
    Open: Monday to Friday 9am-13.30pm
    Tuesday 16.30pm-19pm
    From 1rst June to 30th September:
    Monday to Friday 9am-13.30pm

    Requiments needed to access this resource?

    • The documentation required will depend on the formalities that need to be carried out.


    Schooling for my children

    Education is a universal right for all children from the ages of 6 to 16 and is compulsory and free for all those that live in this town and are registered here. To have access it is necessary to enrol at an educational centre, taking into account the different stages:

    0 to 3 years old First stage of child education
    3 to 6 years old Kindergarten
    6 to12 years old Primary education, compulsory
    12 to16 years old Secondary education,compulsory
    16 to18 years old High school and vocational training
    Over18 years old University studies, higher vocational training

    Where should i go?

    Centers of kindergarten, primary and secondary schools:

    • Oficina Municipal d’Escolarització (OME)
      (Schooling Town Office)
      C/ Sant Joan, 1
      Telephone: 93 811 42 55
      Open: Monday to Friday 8am-15pm
      Tuesday 16.30pm-19pm

    L’Oficina Municipal d’Escolarització (OME) is located during the registration
    and enrolment period at OAC (around April) and the rest of the year at the address

    For the other centres, you should apply directly at the centre/schools itself.

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    If the student is an adult:

    • Original and photocopy of DNI or original and photocopy of residency card that
      shows NIE in case of foreign student.

    If the student is a minor:

    • Original and photocopy of the family book or other documents related to the affiliation.
    • Original and photocopy of DNI of the person requesting (father, mother or tutor or
      guardian) or in the case of a foreign student,the original and a photocopy of residency
      card that shows their NIE.

    If, as a foreigner, the student cannot deliver the aforementioned documents, alternative
    documentation will be considered in order to prove different circumstances.

    • Vaccination card
      Health Card


    To sign my children up to do leisure activities

    Open indoor playgrounds or centres offer extra-curricular educational activities aimed at children from 3 to 12 years old, outside school hours from Monday to Friday.

    The activities are aimed at promoting the personaldevelopment of children and their autonomy in order to achieve their integration and socialization within the group and work towards broadening their learning, amongst other activities.

    Moreover, from de Youth Departamental has designed and implemented a Local Plan for Youth, wich, in a sense broad aims to meet the needs of youth, overcoming the notion that young people need only policies designed to fill your free time.

    Where should i go?

    • Regidoria de Joventut
      Plaça Ajuntament
      08870 Sitges
      Telephone: 93 811 76 47
      Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am- 15 pm
    • Centre Obert El Rusc
      Pl. Catalunya, s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 35 50
      Open: Monday to Friday 15pm-20pm
      Also organizes in Casal de Nadal (Christmas),Setmana Santa (Easter) and summer.
      Open morning 9am-13pm.
    • Ludoteca Zona de Joc
      Rafel Llopart, 27. Edifici Can Coll
      Telephone: 678 534 068 / 627 585 655
      Open: Monday to Friday 16.30pm-20pm
    • Collection service for children at CEIP E.Barrachina i Escola Pia and students of
      CEIP Maria Ossó i CEIP Agnès de Sitges are collected from the school bus stop.
      Besides organizing Casals d’Estiu (summercamps).

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • The centre will provide a registration form with the list of documents that need to be



    All people over the age of 16 can work. For foreign people to be able to work they need an authorization of residence and of work.

    La Regidoria de Promoció Econòmica (Department of Economic Development), through its service Nivell10, provides information on everything concerning the labour market.

    At Centre d’Iniciatives Econòmiques CIES (economy initiatives centre) Nivell 10 will find:

    Training activities:

    • Subsidized courses aimed at unemployed people and refresher courses for
      workers currently in employment.
    • Their own courses aimed at the population in general.

    Services of mediation between supply and demand:

    A meeting point between employment services and business services with the aim of matching
    jobs to job seekers.

    • A meeting point between employment services and business services with the
      aim of matching jobs to job seekers.
    • Borsa de treball (job seeking service): a database that records the names of people
      who are looking for a job or to improve their job.
    • Servei d’orientació laboral (Job-Seeking Advice Service): individual guidance/advice
      sessions on seeking or improving work.
    • Job club: active area if seeking work.
    • Servei Català de Col·locació (Catalán Placement service): entry of job seekers’cvs and
      entry of job offers.

    Other services:

    • Space for internet access: room free of use with 8 computers connected to the internet.
      Monday to Thursday 15pm-20pm.
    • Servei Autoempresa (Service for the Self-Employed): advice on writing a business
      plan, counselling, and training for creating a new business.

    Where should i go?

    • Centre d’Iniciatives Econòmiques Nivell 10.
      Gabriel Pallarès, 12
      Telephone: 93 894 49 58
      Open: Monday to Friday 9am-13.30pm
      Tuesday 17pm-19pm

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • National Document of Identity (DNI), passport,Identity Document from the country of
    • The documentation required will depend on the formalities that need to be carried out




    To develop your training

    People over 18 years of age who wish to study or wishing to acquire knowledge about their cultural interest or their hobbies can go to the permanent training centre called La Xarxa de la Regidoria d’Educacio (Department of Education Network).

    At the town’s library, in addition to usual services such as lending books and consultation in the room, they have incorporated information services, training services and a special home loan service for people with mobility difficulties. Also, there is a space for Internet use, online connections to databases, catalogues of other libraries or digitized collections of local publications

    Where should i go?

    • Centre de Formació Permanent
      La Xarxa
      Sant Honorat, 28
      Telephone: 93 894 10 48
      Open: Morning / Tuesday, Thursday and
      Friday 10am-12 noon
      Afternoon / Monday to Friday 17.30pm-18pm
      Outside these hours, please call in advance to make an appointment. The enrollment period for each of the courses and workshops that are conducted take place in September. To enroll you must go to the l’Oficina d’Atenció Ciutadana (OAC).
    • Biblioteca Santiago Rusiñol
      Pl. de l’Ajuntament s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 11 49
      Open: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10am-14pm
      Monday to Friday 16.30pm-20pm
    • Biblioteca Roig i Raventós
      Pl. Catalunya, s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 84 86
      Open: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 10am-13.30pm.
      Monday to Friday 16pm-20.30pm
      (Closed on Saturdays from 1 June to 30 September).

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    To Centre de Formació Permanent La Xarxa:

    • Photocopy of DNI or working permit or the residency card where states the NIE
      or passport.
    • A passport size photograph

    For libraries:

    • To acquire a library card of the Diputació de Barcelona, you need to present a passport or resident´s permit. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.


    Access to social services

    The Regidoria d’Acció Social (Department of Social Action), through the centre of Serveis Socials d’Atenció Primària (primary attention social services) aims to improve the quality of life and welfare of the citizens of the town.

    Any resident of Sitges can have access to it. Also, it offers specific services for people with disabilities (Sitges Capaç) and the elderly (Sitges Vital).

    They provide information, guidance, counselling and processing of resources: social and economic services that provide support to the individual, their family and dependents.

    Where should i go?

    • Centre de Serveis Socials d’Atenció Primària
      C/ Samuel Barrachina, 3
      C/ Pilar Franquet, 8
      Telephone: 93 894 61 06 / 93 811 38 46
      Open: Monday and Thursday 9am-13.30 pm
      Tuesday 16.30pm-19pm
      To access this service need to call in advance to make an appointment.
    • Sitges Capaç
      C/ Pilar Franquet, 8
      Telephone: 93 811 38 46
      Open: Monday and Thursday 9am-13.30pm
      Offers a service, l’Espai de Trobada (meeting place) a local leisure centre for adults
      with disabilities in Sitges. Outings, cooking workshops, crafts and other activities are carried out according to
      the demands of their participants.
    • Sitges Vital
      C/ Pilar Franquet, 8
      Telephone: 93 811 38 46
      Open: Monday and Thursday 9am-13:30pm
      Aims to promote the holistic development of the elderly and to provide opportunities
      for socialising. It also, affers activities to keep active

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • National Document of Identity (DNI), Passport, Identity Document from the country
      of origin or work card.
    • The documentation required will depend on the formalities that need to be carried out.


    Access to mediation service

    The Centre de Mediació i Convivència de Sitges (Centre of Mediation and Communal Living of Sitges) help to resolve conflicts that occur in everyday life in a swift and peaceful manner. This is a free service that aims to improve the quality of life. Issues that can be dealt with:

    Neighbours: noise, cleanliness, hygiene, volume of audio-visual equipment, nuisance caused by pets, anti-social behavior, disagreements within the community of residents, building work, air conditioners, elevators, uralite, trees, general misunderstandings.

    In schools: we teach the children to address their disputes peacefully and through dialogue. We give tools to parents so they can educate their children in a culture of dialogue and coexistence.

    With the family: partners, siblings, grandchildren..,except in cases of domestic violence

    Where should i go?

    • Centre de Mediació i Convivència
      Davallada, 12, bxs
      Telephone: 93 811 18 64
      To access this service, it is necessary to fill in a request that should be collected and
      delivered to OAC.

    What Documentation Do I Need To Submit?

    • A completed request sheet.


    Exercise the right to vote in municipal and european elections

    Spanish citizens, any other citizen of the European Union, Norwegians, Peruvians and Colombians who are registered, may all participate in local elections.

    With regard to the European elections those with the right to vote are: Spaniards citizens (of age) who have been registered on the Electoral Roll, and citizens of any other European Union country who reside in Spain, are registered in a Spanish town and have expressed a willingness to Spain to vote in the European elections.

    Where should i go?

    • Sitges Acollidor (Welcome Sitges)
      Plaça de l’hospital, 5. 2n pis
      Telephone: 93 811 39 47
      Open: Monday and Friday 9am-15.30pm
      Tuesday and Thursday 17pm-19pm
      More information: http://www.ine.es

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • The documentation required will depend on the formalities that need to be carried out.


    To get to know sitges and meet other people

    1- To learn the catalan language

    Catalan is the language of Catalonia and is the official language along with Castilian Spanish. Knowing Catalan helps to communicate with our environment, establish social relationships and gives us a route into the host society.

    Where To Go?

    • Oficina del Català de Sitges
      Davallada, 12 Bxs. Edifici Miramar.
      Telephone: 93 811 09 30
      Open: Monday and Thursday 12noon-14pm

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • DNI or working permit or the residency card where states the NIE or passport.

    2- To participate in or to join an association or entity, amongst others:

    • Societat Recreativa EL Retiro
      (Recreational Society El Retiro)
      Àngel Vidal, 17
      Telephone: 93 894 01 37
      El Retiro is a plural entity, open to everyone. From 1870 it has worked to provide sitgetans with a social setting where they can share ideas, make friends, have fun, participate in local traditions, develop their creativity and enjoy the most diverse leisure activities.
    • Casino Prado
      Francesc Gumà, 6-14
      Telephone: 93 894 31 10
      El Casino Prado is a cultural and recreational society founded in 1877 with the purpose of promoting cultural and recreational activities. It has a cinema, a bar and restaurant. It also organizes various courses such as painting, ballet, yoga, chess…
    • Grup d’Estudis Sitgetans (GES)
      d’en Bosc, 9 (Espai Cultural Pere Stämpfli)
      The Grup d’Estudis Sitgetans (study group Sitges) is an entity that aims to promote the study of history, art, folklore… and other cultural aspects of the town of Sitges and Penedès in general. In this sense three main types of activities are organized: conferences, exhibitions (of which the themes are mainly about Sitges) and the annual announcement of awards that aim to stimulate research amongst young people.
    • Agrupació Balls Populars de Sitges (Asociation of Traditional dances of Sitges)
      C/ d’en Bosc, 14
      Telephone: 938 947 375
      This is an association that promotes the preservation of the traditional dances of Sitges, and is an integral part of the traditional festivities.
    • Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges (Young Castellers Group)
      C/ d’en Bosc, 14
      Telephone: 93 894 46 14
      Association world casteller (human towers)
    • Escola de Grallers de Sitges
      (School of Grallers of Sitges)
      Sant Isidre, 13
      This school has dedicated thirty years to the teaching and dissemination of the gralla. Classes begin in October and are free of charge.
    • Amics de la Sardana de Sitges
      (Friends of the Sardana of Sitges)
      Àngel Vidal, 17
      Telephone: 93 894 77 60
      A recreational and cultural entity that organizes programs that aim to invigorate sardana and leisure in Sitges
    • Associació de Dones de Sitges
      (Women Association of Sitges)
      Pl. Catalunya, s/n
      Centre Cívic Poble Sec
      Telephone: 93 894 31 10
      This is an entity that promotes relations between women. Do different activities, courses, workshops, cultural visits…
    • Joventuts Musicals de Sitges (JMS)
      (Young musicians of Sitges)
      Francesc Gumà 6-14
      This is a community group that promotes all kind of music-related activities such as performances and concerts.
    • Casal Municipal de Gent Gran
      (Center for Elderly)
      Pau Casals, 17
      Telephone: 93 894 75 06
      This organization provides a place for the elderly to meet other people and forge relationships. They also organize workshops,talks, outings, trips, parties etc…

    3 -To participate in and to join an economic/or commercial partnership amongst others

    • Gremi d’Hostaleria de Sitges
      (Catering Guild)
      Centre Comercial “Oasis”, Local 73
      Telephone: 938941290
      The core of its constitution: this group promotes the traditional values and touristic personality of Sitges and other towns in the local area. This is a means of increasing economic development and prosperity.
    • Federació de Comerciants i Empresaris de Sitges (FECES)
      (Merchants and Employers Federation of Sitges)
      Associació de comerciants Carrer Sant Pau de Sitges, Associació de comerciants Poble Sec de Sitges, Associació de comerciants Oasis de Sitges, Associació de comerciants Casc Antic de Sitges. (sitges@acasitges.org), Associació de comerciants Carrer San Francesc de Sitges, Associació de veïns comerciants i amics del Cap de la Vila i Carrer Jesús de Sitges and Associació de comerciants Sant Josep de Sitges.
    • Associació d’Empresaris de l’Alt Penedès, el Baix Penedès i el Garraf (ADEG)
      (Association of Entrepreneurs of Alt i Baix Penedès and Garraf)
      C/ de la Beneficència, 17 Vilafranca del
      C/ de l’Àncora, 3 Vilanova i la Geltrú
      Telephone: 902 106 700
      The main aim of the ADEG is the promotion of economic activity and the development of the business environment. With the constant generation of new services and the continued production of performance, the Association encourages the flow of information, modernization and free competence of its affiliates, on the whole business environment Penedès and Garraf.
    • Dones d’Empresa
      ( Female Entrepeneurs )
      C/ de La Beneficència, 17.
      Vilafranca del Penedès
      C/ de l’Àncora, 3. Vilanova i la Geltrú
      Telèfon: 902 106 700
      Women’s Enterprise (Female Entrepeneurs) is an entity that brings together female entrepreneurs, business women, executive directives of Penedès and Garraf in order to give support, share experiences, and create a trading network amongst ourselves.
    • Gremi de Constructors del Garraf
      (Garraf Builders Guild)
      Rbla. Exposició, 105, local 3
      08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
      The Garraf Builders Guild, Know about construction and its related businesses so we provide our members with all the tools necessary to maximize the competitiveness of their companies as well as dealing with their problems personally through  the best specialist in different fields.

    4- To join an entity associative of people from around the world/ international community group

    • Sitges English Theatre Company
      The Hotel Liberty, C/ Illa de Cuba 45,
      A theatre group/company that promotes
      drama and cultural activities.
    • Sitges Playgroup
      Pau Barrabeig, 16
      Mothers’ group that promotes interaction between mother, fathers and sons and
      daughters. They organize cultural activities and activites that promote the family.
    • Associació Llatinoamericana del Garraf
      Sant Pau, 13 (ofic. 10). Vilanova i la geltrú
      Telephone: 93 811 3947
      This groups´s objectives are to monitor and defend the rights and welfare of people
      in general, to disseminate Latin American and Catalan culture with the aim of
      achieving full integration and to promote volunteering and solidarity through sport
    • Centro de residentes de Bolívia en Sitges
      Telephone 93 811 39 47
      An entity of social and recreational character that also gives support to the Bolivian
      population of Sitges. They collaborate with different associations in organizing
      cultural and sporting activities.
    • Asociación Paraguaya de Sitges, Ñandutí
      Telephone: 938 113 947
      An entity of social and recreational character giving support to Paraguayan citizens.

    5- To participate in a social entity/ a charitable organization, amongst others

    • Fundació Ave Maria
      Avinguda Artur Carbonell, 11
      Telephone: 93 894 86 46
      The main aim of the foundation is to establish and implement a support program for all areas of personal and social needs for people with learning and physical disabilities.
    • Càritas
      Samuel Barrachina s/n
      Telephone: 93 894 48 14
      Offers direct care to people with any problems and/or needs.
    • Creu Roja Sitges
      Pl. Hospital, 5
      Telephone: 93 894 02 26
      A humanitarian institution which aims to work with the most vulnerable people, which depends on the help/support of volunteers. It organizes courses in health care,lifesaving and yoga for the elderly. It also offers Aula Gaia, that provides support classes for school pupils.
    • Sitges Solidari
      Camí dels Capellans 8 bis
      It aims to disseminate the culture of peace, solidarity and justice amongst the population of Sitges. Although its activities are centred in the field of raising awareness, they have also collaborated with several projects cooperating with development in Bolivia.

    6- To join a social network of people from around

    • Co-meetings
      This is a network designed for professionals of Sitges with an enterprising mindset, to meet each other and exchange ideas and projects. All those who are interested in meeting other professionals and finding partners and/ or customers for their ideas and projects, are welcome. The network is open to everyone, regardless of their field of work or nationality.



    To participate in a sporting activity

    Amongst other advantages, sport as a health practice integrates elements of cultures and facilitates human and social relationships.

    The main objective of La Regidoria d’Esports (Department of Sports) is the promotion of sport and physical activity amongst its citizens by organizing activities directly in municipal and school installations, as well as offering support to various sporting entities in the town.

    It provides information on all the activities on offer and how to contact each of the sporting bodies of the municipality, as well as timetables,addresses, requirements, etc…

    The sports that can be practiced in Sitges are basketball, bowling, hunting, horse riding, chess, climbing, squash, fitness, frontennis, football, volleyball, table tennis, indoors football, rhythmic, golf, handball, skating, korfball, motor, climbing, swimming, sailing, paddle, fishing, bowls, rugby, diving, tennis, triathlon, judo, batuka, hip-hop among others.

    Where should i go?

    • Regidoria d’Esports (Department of Sports)
      Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, s/n
      Telephone: 938 945 056
      Open: Monday to Friday 9am-13.30pm
      Tuesday 17 pm-19.30pm
      October to May

    To join the organized activities through Regidoria d’Esports (sports town council)
    you need to contact or go to the Oficina d’Atenció Ciutadana (OAC).

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • Depending on the preasures to carry out,you will be asked the documentation that


    To be a volunteer

    For people who want to dedicate a portion of their spare time to help others, either continuously or occasionally and within the framework of a stable non-profit organization. The volunteering responds to a culture of solidarity that we should strengthen.

    Where should i go?

    • Centre de Voluntariat Sitges Vital
      (Volunteer´s Centre)
      Pilar Franquet, 8
      Telephone: 93 811 38 46
      Open: Monday to Friday 9am-13.30pm

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • DNI (Identity Card) or working permit or passport or residency card where states the NIE.



    Tourist and cultural information

    The Agència de Promoció Turisme de Sitges (agency for the promotion of Tourism in Sitges)
    provides detailed information on Sitges:

    • Museums, guided tours, places of interest, spaces, buildings, monuments, attractions, beaches, festivities and events…
    • Timetables of trains and urban buses
    • Hotels, apartments, pensions and campsites

    The Regidoria de Cultura (department of cultura) offers the most complete information on a wide range of cultural activities such as:

    • Music (various festivals are conducted throughout the year, like the Festival de Música de Sitges, clàssica and jazz, the Festival de Tango, the Sitgestiu cultura and the Festival Internacional de Música Concerts de Mitjanit)
    • Painting and arquitecture
    • Theatre and cinema (one of the most famous events of the year is the “Sitges, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Catalunya”)

    The Regidoria de Festes (Department of Festivities) organize:

    The “festes populars” (popular festivities), like the Carnaval and Festa Major (main fiesta), among others.

    Where should i go?

    • Agència de Promoció de Turisme de
      Sitges (Agency for the Promotion of
      Tourism in Sitges)
      Carrer de la Sínia Morera,
      Telèfon: 93 894 54 51
    • Regidoria de Festes
      (Department of Festivities)
      Plaça de l’Ajuntament
      Telephone: 93 811 76 00
    • Regidoria de cultura
      (Department of Culture)
      Carrer Joan Maragall, 36
      Telephone: 93 811 22 32

    Tourism Office:

    • Punt d’Informació Turística
      Plaça Eduard Maristany s/n
      Telephone: 902 103 428
    • Oficina Oasis i Central de Reserves
      Sínia Morera, 1
      Telephone: 93 894 50 04

    What documentation do i need to submit?

    • The documentation required depends on the activities to be performed.


    Procedures related to housing and urban developement

    The Regidoria d’Urbanisme (Planning department) deals, amongst other issues, with licensing procedures, concessions, transmission and extension of licenses of work and also offers the chance to check administrative records (licenses, urban discipline, planning, etc…)

    Where should i go?

    Regidoria d’Urbanisme
    Carrer de les Pruelles, 1
    Telèfon: 93 810 91 00

    Oficina d’Atenció Ciutadana (OAC)
    (Citizens Information Service)
    Passeig de Vilanova, 2 (local 24)
    Telephone: 010 / 93 811 48 04
    Open: Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 18.30pm. Friday 8.30am – 14.30pm. Saturday10am – 13pm. From 15th of June until 15th of September, Christmas and Easter: 8.30pm-14.30pm Monday to Friday.

    Branch offices:

    • OAC Garraf.
      Plaça Baró Güell, s/n
    • OAC Les Botigues.
      Passeig Marítim de les Botigues de Sitges, 1
    • The documentation required depends on the process that is to be carried out.

    What documentation do i need to submit?



    For more information and procedures


    • Procedures with Ajuntament de Sitges

    Useful telephone numbers

    Town Hall: 93 811 76 00

    Prevention and public safety

    • Local police: 93 811 00 16
    • Police: 088
    • Atenció a les dones en situació de violència (24h) / Atención a las mujeres en situación de violencia (24h) / Attention to women suffering violence: 900 900 120 / 016
    • Firefighters: 085
    • Emergency: 112
    • Ambulancias: 061


    Collecting old furniture: 93 894 75 25
    Waste: 93 894 75 25


    • Urban bus: 010
    • Train: 902 24 02 02
    • Taxi service: 93 894 13 29 / 93 894 35 94

    Services company

    • Gas Natural Emergency: 900 75 07 50
    • Gas Natural Information: 900 70 03 65
    • Post Office: 93 894 70 63
    • Electricity: 902 50 77 50
    • Water SOREA: 902 25 00 70


    (Download Guide for Newcomer Citizenship)


    admin - Jun 02, 2017 | Reply

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