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Asked by: admin 3037 views Property
How does the ‘Property Registry’ differ from the ‘Catastro / Catastrales’?
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Catastro, Catastrales, is used for paying tax https://www1.sedecatastro.gob.es/OVCFrames.aspx?TIPO=CONSULTA
‘Registro de la Propiedad’ & ‘Escritura’ confirm, conditions & limitations. This ‘Property Registry’ is more important http://www.registradors.cat SITGES Num. 1 Avenida de Sofia, 8 – CP 08870 Tel. 938943585 – Fax. 938948578 sitges@registrodelapropiedad.org
Property can appear on the Catastro but not actually be legal, unless the same property description appears on the registry.
Ensure the paperwork is in order before purchase.
The ‘Cadastre’ is the mandatory Ministry of Finance and Public Records, Real Estate Registry, census, describing its physical, legal & economic characteristics along with alterations. Include declarations made by the owners, communications made by Notaries , Property Registrars, City Councils, State Agency of Tax Administration and other administrations acting on acts in urban management and applications. It provides the necessary information for the management, collection and control of various tax forms by the state, regional and local administrations.
New information is provided to the Town Hall for writing into the Escritura.
Taxes may increase if previous build was done illegally (action could be takes if within 4-6 years).~
When buying you can retain some of the payment until records are updated properly which takes up to 6 months.
admin - Sep 17, 2017 | Reply
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